Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Importance of the Verb

A verb is a part of speech that conveys action.  Verbs appear alongside nouns, and without verbs a sentence is not complete; it is just a fragment.  Without a complete statement, the person hearing or reading will, in most cases, be confused, and will misunderstand the idea being communicated.

"Action" can be defined as something that is done or performed, an act or a deed.  Actions are different from feelings in that actions are demonstrable, while feelings are a state of consciousness that can be subject to interpretation.  As a counselor, I listen to my clients and attempt to identify the emotions they are conveying.  Most people don't walk into a meeting with me ready to state that they feel insecure, depressed, sad, or rejected, as these emotions convey vulnerability, which most people won't admit to.  As a counselor, my job is to lead my client on a journey of self-awareness where he or she identifies emotions and the thoughts or events that led to those particular feelings, and then takes action so that he or she can move forward.  In other words, our conscious minds produce thoughts that lead to feelings, and those feelings lead to actions.

A verb is an action.  An action is clear, demonstrable, and connotes decisiveness.  An action, while still subject to interpretation, provides more clarity than a lack of action.

I've learned the difference between a noun and a verb; a feeling and an action.  I've been told "I love you" many times by several people.  Hearing the words "I love you" makes my heart swell and makes me feel alive.  Then, I want to take action.  I want to see the person.  I want to talk.  I want to spend time with the person.  Being around the person gives love (the feeling) the opportunity to be love (the action).  When love is demonstrated, it clears away confusion and brings clarity to the relationship.

I've learned that some people can easily say "I love you" as a feeling, but can't seem to translate that feeling into action.  I've learned that, even when I want to take action, others might have guards up that prevent them from moving forward in that love they claim to feel.  For me, love without action is incomplete. Just as a sentence without both a noun and a verb is a fragment, love (the feeling) without love (the action) becomes unclear, confusing, and easily misunderstood.

I've learned that when you give your heart to someone, you have to be ready to take action.  You also have to keep in mind that, if that person doesn't take action, his or her love for you is incomplete.  True love is demonstrated.

Love as a noun is a good start.  Love as a verb is what moves us forward.

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